On 08. and 09. June 2017, the top event of the steel construction industry took place in Graz. Roughly 250 guests from the fields of steel construction, architecture, planning, administration, research and teaching discussed current projects as well as economic challenges in steel construction. The diverse programme was supplemented by a technical exhibit wit 34 exhibitors as well as the presentation of the Austrian Steel Construction Award 2017. AluKönigStahl was also present as an exhibitor again this year. In addition to seminars from diverse areas, exceptional Austrian steel construction projects and innovations were presented. For instance, Stefan Sorli from the Carinthian company Haslinger Stahlbau reported on the implementation of the steel construction for the Elbe Philharmonic Hall in Hamburg. Bernd Mühl, Unger Stahlbau, and Dieter Ebner, Ebner ZT, spoke on the execution of the ÖAMTC Headquarter in Vienna – a project in which AluKönigStahl, too, was critically involved as the systems supplier. The ÖAMTC Headquarter was also the project that ultimately won the 6th Austrian Steel Construction Award, which was awarded by the Austrian Steel Construction Association.